Help Camp Dreamcatcher Through Planned Giving!

Planned Giving is an organized method for
providing charitable gifts given to an individual or
organization through estate planning.

Estate planning may seem daunting but there are many resources available to guide you through the process.

You will find valuable information from your attorney, accountant, insurance company, or
financial investment firm.


Making a Planned Gift

You May Consider:

  • Designating charitable gifts in your will
  • Naming your charity as beneficiary in your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan
  • Making a deferred gift with a life insurance policy
  • Choosing other deferred giving options; such as, Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT), Charitable Lead Trusts, and Charitable Gift Annuities

Steps to Planned Giving

  • Thoughtfully consider whom you wish to include as recipients.
  • Choose a personal representative referred to as the Executor/Executrix.
  • Choose a guardian to take care of dependent family members.
  • If you wish to make a charitable gift to Camp Dreamcatcher, Inc., be sure to stipulate the charity’s legal title.
  • Your gift is tax-deductible and may be a specific amount, or you may choose a percentage of your estate.
  • All Planned Giving bequests are restricted to the Endowment Fund.
  • Instruct your attorney to submit a copy of your will to the International Foundation office, and include contact details for whom holds your original will.
Contact Us:
Thank you for supporting
Camp Dreamcatcher
148 West State St.
Suite 104
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Phone: 610-925-2998
Fax: 610-925-0403