Camp Dreamcatcher is proud to serve children and families in need with our annual Adopt A Family Program. Ninety-eight percent of the families we serve are low income, leaving many of our parents and caregivers unable to provide their children with Holiday Gifts.
Every year, our goal is to increase the number of families that we are able to help with this program. We are asking for your support to achieve this goal. Each year, we notify the families that will be participating and ask them to send “wish lists” for their family. The parents and caregivers have been ecstatic to find out that their children have been picked for this program.
The lists are shared with donors like you who purchase gifts for the children. These donors include individuals, businesses, organizations, girl scout troops, civic groups and Camp Dreamcatcher volunteers. Over 800 donors have been involved in this program since its inception and over 11,000 gifts have been distributed to the children served by our programs.
Gift Delivery
This year, we request that gifts be shipped from you directly to the families, and if shipping from Amazon or another company, please provide the confirmation and tracking number. You can send that information directly to us at phillkirk@campdreamcatcher.org Info for parents on what is inside and gift receipts are always helpful but not required. We do sometimes hand deliver the packages to Chester County families. Depending on location some gifts may be dropped at our office, and I can also arrange pick-up if necessary. If the family is picking them up in the office, gifts will need to arrive at our office no later than December 5th. If you are shipping the items, they can be there as early as you would like to send them, as long as they arrive a bit before Christmas (no family has mentioned celebrating another holiday yet but I will let you know if this impacts dates). The earlier the better – THANK YOU!
Buying Gifts
All of the gifts on the Gift List are ideas that came from their parents/guardians (via the campers). You are by no means required to purchase everything on the list. You can buy as much as you would like and whichever items you would like, as long as the siblings’ gifts are around the same amount or price value. We also ask that the campers receive at least some thing(s) they NEED such as winter clothing, and something they want (toys, etc.) If all the gift requests are outside of your budget, gift-cards to somewhere that may sell these items that they can put towards them is another option!
If you would like to only donate individual gift cards instead, to be given out to families with fewer gifts or older siblings who have aged out, this is another option-just let me know!
If anything is ever unclear on the gift lists or you have any questions, please reach out at any time to Patty at phillkirk@campdreamcatcher.org. Once you sign up for a family, I will send you their mailing address for shipping.
The Camp Dreamcatcher Staff and all of the Camper Families are very grateful of anything you can do for the children.
How to Sign Up to Adopt a Family
Signups can be made by clicking the button below:
Here, you can sign up for whichever family you would like to purchase gifts for (first names only provided). We ask that each family is signed up for together. However, you can split up the siblings among your own friends, family, company, sorority, etc. any way that you like. It is just simpler if we have one “go-to” contact for each family. There are families ranging from 1 child up to 7 children (click “see more” for each family to see the full list of campers and gifts).
Thank you so very much for your kindness. Happy Holidays!
Need more information? Contact:
Patty at phillkirk@campdreamcatcher.org